Tajweed Made Easy (New Edition)

SGD 29.80

Title: Tajweed Made Easy Author: Shaikh Wafaa Mohd Hussain Yee No Of Pages: 61 Tajweed Made Easy is a course created for all ages.It consists of 27 topics,which will guide you through the Makharaj,Tajweed rules and Characteristics of the letters. The author has simplified and arranged the topics through her experience in teaching.The goal of the book is to make learning Tajweed a fun,interesting and an enjoyable experience. This book is your guide in learning proper Tajweed rules.It is advised that you learn the rules with a qualified teacher to maximize the benefits the book has to offer. This Book is for those individuals,who are able to read Quran and wish to seek the right knowledge to perfect their recitation.It primarily covers the place of exit of the letters (Makharaj),Tajweed rules and characteristics of the letters.This book also covers signs in the Quran,ruling of Isti'adhah and Basmallah,exceptional rulings found in the Quran,and other related topics.

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